Expense Report Information


2nd floor Ad Bldg.    Contact:  TREXP@kayak150.com


All reimbursements must be documented with receipts.
EMPLOYEES:  Must submit expense report using  Chrome River.


  1. Mileage, tolls, parking
  2. Per diem (overnight trips only, otherwise actual meal costs)
  3. Airline tickets,   Car rental
  4. Overnight Accommodations
  5. Reimbursement for purchases (office supplies, office party expenses)
  6. Reimbursement for off-site office activities
  7. Miscellaneous forms:  
    Professional Membership Reimbursement
    Required Certification or Licensor fees
    Doctoral Reimbursement if it is processed through a Department.

Unauthorized Purchases that will not be reimbursed:  Domestic travel insurance/protection; hotel insurance; rental car insurance; product warranties; cell phone accessories; gift cards.

**Account #  and business purpose of expense should be written on EACH receipt.**  (Example of business purpose requirements)