Expense Report Information
2nd floor Ad Bldg. Contact: TREXP@kayak150.com
All reimbursements must be documented with receipts.
EMPLOYEES: Must submit expense report using Chrome River.
- Mileage, tolls, parking
- Per diem (overnight trips only, otherwise actual meal costs)
- Airline tickets, Car rental
- Overnight Accommodations
- Reimbursement for purchases (office supplies, office party expenses)
- Reimbursement for off-site office activities
Miscellaneous forms:
Professional Membership Reimbursement
Required Certification or Licensor fees
Doctoral Reimbursement if it is processed through a Department.
Unauthorized Purchases that will not be reimbursed: Domestic travel insurance/protection; hotel insurance; rental car insurance; product warranties; cell phone accessories; gift cards.
**Account # and business purpose of expense should be written on EACH receipt.** (Example of business purpose requirements)